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Article: SEPTEMBER 2024
Contraste Newspaper (Spain)

SEPTIEMBRE 2024 <br> Periódico Contraste (España)

Contraste Newspaper (Spain)

It was in 2020 when Time Force decided to break into the watchmaking sector again, doing so with the help of the Trusendi family and its distributors. From the very beginning, the objective was to once again captivate its customers, establish itself in the sector and continue with that valuable legacy that the brand had longed for. For this reason, last year they decided to definitively land in the Spanish market with new offices and the creation of a company that operates 100% in Spain and Europe.

How has this journey been since then for Time Force? “It was a huge challenge for us, we had to revive a company that had already been great in its day but had been dead for too many years. Re-starting Time Force has not been easy but, after a year in Madrid, we have consolidated the plans we had,” says Pierre Trusendi, CEO of Time Force.

Ambitious plans. Over the past year, Time Force has consolidated its position by opening 50 new outlets, bringing the total to 250. The goal for the next two years is to reach 400-450 outlets. An expansion plan that, without a doubt, not only demonstrates the good health of the brand, but also the work of customers who are happy with a satisfactory product rotation, even in smaller cities. Of course, quality also comes into play here, an added value to which Time Force has put all its effort.

Thus, over this period of time, the quality of the watches has proven to be up to par; “we are very pleased; after testing the product on the market and having sales, we can confirm what we already believed. The product is good and that gives us a lot of satisfaction and peace of mind,” they say.
For this reason, the brand has decided to go one step further and, this new season, they are going to introduce a line, the Status Elite, with sapphire crystal. It will be the most premium line of Time Force, it will be officially unveiled at the next edition of Madridjoya and it will be the first test to see how the market reacts. “The cost will be higher, but it is a positive thing since we are in a premium and higher price range, so we want to offer more quality to the consumer and focus on their new interests through excellent quality, like that of a Swiss brand; we want to take advantage of this market niche in which we have almost no competition, so we will continue to focus on this target,” says Pierre Trusendi.

Furthermore, Spain is the market with the largest number of old Time Force watches, watches that were no longer available for replacement, so Time Force decided to bring a strategy that was already working in the Latin American market to Spain: the loyalty plan. This consists of all consumers who have an old Time Force, if they request a replacement, being given the chance to buy a new watch with a 40% discount, for their loyalty to the brand, either in a physical store or through e-commerce. Another added value with which Time Force has already replaced 800 watches, despite the fact that, at first, it was a difficult strategy for the consumer to understand, although now it has brought even more dynamism to the brand.

Looking to the future, Time Force continues to consolidate the clients that are part of its portfolio while, at the same time, winning over new ones. To this end, three new salespeople have recently joined the team of Antonio Pages as sales director and Marcello Trusendi as general manager for Spain and Europe, two for Spain and one for Portugal. The aim is to meet new needs and improve both service and customer care.The technical service will also go one step further; until now managed by the prestigious Galician firm Posventa Relojeros SL with José Antonio García and his team in A Coruña, the new offices in Madrid will also have an area dedicated solely to spare parts, to offer a simpler and faster service.

In short, Time Force is putting all its strength into Spain, although they are also making progress in other markets, such as Latin America, Europe and Eastern Europe, where they have started with five new markets. “In these countries, the pressure of war is felt, but despite that, we continue to move forward. For example, we have just closed a deal with a client in Serbia who has a large chain of stores in which they have positioned Time Force alongside other brands such as Longines or Tissot,” Pierre says. “In general, we are very happy in Spain, we have been very well received by all the jewellers, there was a lot of acceptance. Each country has its own way of working, but I see a lot of similarity between the behaviour in Spain and in Latin America, where we have been working for some time now,” Pierre concludes.

Save the date: Discover Time Force's latest offerings at the September edition of Madridjoya, where the watch brand will be back for the fourth consecutive year and with a new stand.


Source: September 2024, Contraste España Newspaper, Page 30. Retrieved from: https://grupoduplex.com/todas-las-ganas-de-septiembre-en-un-nuevo-contraste/


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